Experiencing The Jungle In Costa Rica Via A Zip-line

April 1, 2022

One thing that was on my bucket list that I had to do in Costa Rica was a zip line or a canopy tour. As my time in Costa Rica was winding down I knew I had to check this off the list. When I arrived in Peurto Viejo priority number one was finding the best canopy tour. Experiencing the jungle in Costa Rica via a zip-line was my mission.

I Headed To The Village To Find a Canopy Tour

Since my hostel didn’t have much in terms of tours I headed to Peurto Viejo to see what I could find. After some walking around I asked a local tour company in town about zip lines. They assured me that the best canopy tour was about 30 minutes out of town. They were very convincing so I decided to take the plunge and spend the $55 and do this. So off for my first zip-line in the morning.

The Bumpy Ride Deep into the Jungle

So the journey finally begins. The tour guide picked me up at my hostel Kalunay in Peurto Viejo. I was the last one to be picked up in the jeep and you could feel the excitement from the group. There was adrenaline, energy and some nervousness as for all but one of us this was our first canopy tour. The lady who had already done 3 was the oldest and she had no fear whatsoever. So my chances of not surviving were low right? Of course! Countless tourists visiting Costa Rica have done zip lines I clearly wasn’t the first. I admit I was anxious and excited all at the same time. At this point I was doing this! I knew no matter how I was feeling when I jumped on that first canopy I was taking the plunge.

The bumpy jeep ride deep into the jungle game me lots of time to reflect on what I was about to do

Getting Fitted With My Safety Gear

After 30 minutes or so off-roading into the jungle we finally arrived. I look up and I could see that first canopy from a distance. It didn’t look so bad surely I can do this. We got to the top and I waited my turn to get fitted with the harness and safety gear. This gave me plenty of time to second guess myself while seeing how high above the jungle we actually were with a clear shot of the first canopy.

All fitted with my safety gear and ready to go

Learning The Ropes

We then headed over for a quick tutorial on the baby line to learn how to brake, when to brake and the proper techniques so you don’t get stuck on the line. Yikes! I got my first run in and it was a success! Now off to the real thing!

The first Zip Line

I get up to the canopy and here goes nothing! I’m a bit nervous but excited at the same time! No one has ever plunged to their death zip lining before right? The view was incredible and I was telling myself to keep my eyes open and just remember the proper technique and when to brake to not get stuck somewhere in the middle. So there I go I was moving through the jungle at a good clip, the view was amazing and I hit the brake at the perfect time. I was now experiencing the jungle in Costa Rica via a zip-line.

The first zip-line from high up above!

The Rest Of The Way

After a few more zips I was a pro and had the time of my life. Epic views of the jungle from above, an amazing walk through the jungle and saw monkeys, exotic birds and various other wild life. During my time in Costa Rica I saw a lot of jungle in many different ways but this was by far the best way to experience it! On to the next adventure.

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Advertising sales executive on a one year leave traveling the world sharing my journey via my blog and YouTube channel.

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