Masaya Volcano a Must See in Nicaragua



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When I started planning my trip to Nicaragua the most common must-see attraction that kept popping up was the Masaya volcano. So this was something I was going to do. Nicaragua is a beautiful country with amazing architecture, jungle, beaches, nightlife and yes volcano’s. The country has everything that the much more touristy Costa Rica has at a fraction of the cost. Not surprisingly my first excursion in Nicaragua was the Masaya Volcano at sunset. And it didn’t disappoint. If you do one thing in Nicaragua do the Masaya Volcano. The Masaya Volcano is a must see when visiting Nicaragua and make sure you do it at night! Best part you can get a guided tour for $12 you can’t beat that! 

Masaya Volcano at First Glance

Once you enter the Masaya gates you can feel the excitement from the other travelers. It’s not a really high volcano but there is a magic to it. We took the bus right up to the volcano, got off and were able to go right to the edge. It was fascinating watching the smoke rise to the top even though we could not see any lava at this point. However the guide assured us by the time we came back we will definitely see it. Don’t miss the chance to take pictures and videos as I am told it’s not common to get so close to the edge of a volcano. 

My first glance at the Masaya Volcano and it was epic.

Hiking to the top of mountain 

Next we started the journey to the top of the mountain from the volcano. It’s a hike but a fun hike. You feel like you are getting a workout in but it’s very manageable for most people. And once you get the top it’s so worth it. Not only is it an epic view of the Masaya Volcano but of the beautiful surrounding hills and mountains. When you get to the top you have a sweat on, catch your breath then you take a look around you and you realize how worth it the journey was. 

My view from the top

Epic Sunset

The sunset from the top is epic and definitely the best sunset I’ve seen in Nicaragua. The sun dropping over the mountains above the Masaya Volcano is not something you can describe you just need to see it. I am sharing my pictures but I know they don’t do it justice. Take my word for it the Masaya Volcano is a must see when visiting Nicaragua especially at sunset. Just fly to Nicaragua and book your own tour. 

Masaya Volcano

The volcano at night 

As the sun fell at around 6:30 we made the journey down the mountain to hopefully see the lava brewing. And the Masaya Volcano did not disappoint. Seeing the bright red lava from the edge of the volcano is a site that I’m not sure any other volcano in the world can bring. It looks scary from the pics and video but it was simply mesmerizing. I took a lot of pics but just wanted to take it in and plant the visual in my head so I never forget. When you come to Nicaragua do not miss this. The Masaya Volcano is a must see when visiting Nicaragua

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One response to “Masaya Volcano a Must See in Nicaragua”
  1. stewart Avatar

    love this!!!!!

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