How I Came Up With Globe Digger

December 11, 2021

Many people call me Digger!

Some of you that know me professionally know me only by one name and that’s Digger now Globe Digger. You could say that is a compliment for someone who has spent a nearly 30 year career in advertising sales.

It started with my first boss who was selling me up to a newspaper publisher who had just purchased the company I was working at. The conversation went like this “You should definitely take Geoff he’s a real digger”. Who would have thought that one conversation would follow me for my entire professional life as I carved out a career as an advertising sales executive.

Saying it’s followed my my whole professional life should not be taken lightly. It has gone from organization to organization with some people not even knowing my actual name. Yes this has happened where I have not had calls not returned because the name Geoff was not recognized by people I had met dozen’s of times. “Ohhhhh Geoff is Digger I will call him back right now”. I’ve accepted at this point that this nickname isn’t going anywhere so it’s time to embrace it. Besides it’s a pretty complementary nickname for someone in sales!

From Digger to Globe Digger

When it came time to come up with a brand for world travel this was no brainer thanks to a colleagues suggestion. The minute I heard Globe Digger I knew that was it. For the next 12 months instead of digging out the sales I will be digging the globe. I will be a nomad, scratching items off my bucket list, meeting amazing people, enjoying local food, lifestyle and culture. I admit I am a bit of a travel virgin at least traveling this way and am not sure what to expect which will make for some great blogging and youtubing.

#Globe Digger


Advertising executive traveling the world sharing my journey via my blog and YouTube channel.

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